
Showing posts from July, 2022

Paul’s Gospel

[ Editor: ] Paul’s “my gospel” is the premier evangel concerning Christ’s grand work at Calvary. It is a glorious revelation that began being declared at his divine separation in Acts 13. This gospel continues to this day. Thus, Paul’s gospel spans both a portion of the Pentecostal Administration (from Acts 13-28) and all of the Secret Administration. Additionally, Paul’s gospel – “the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24) – will ultimately be the future basis of God’s worldwide judgement (Romans 2:16), which will be the setting of all things right – the correction of everything. It must be remembered that “gospels” and “administrations” are not the same thing, so it should almost go without saying that there is a difference between Paul’s Gospel and the Secret Administration – one is a gospel; the other is an administration. Some of the most advanced students of Scripture have failed to make this clear distinction. This failure to “ rightly divide ” between the two has resulted...

Kingdom of the Heavens

[ Editor: ] The coming Kingdom Administration begins with the Pre-Millennial (“ the Kingdom of the Heavens, ” including the full Seventy-Sevens of Daniel). God is always absolutely sovereign over the affairs of man. This truth is hidden from the perception of mankind during “ Man’s Day .” But beginning with the “ Day of Christ ” this absolute sovereignty will be made abundantly manifest .  This phase of the prophetic phase will last between 500-700 years, depending on how one approaches the passages. If considering the 700-year period, 33 of these years have already taken place during the Acts period, as “ the blade ” stage the Kingdom (Mark 4:26-29). For more information of the 700-year period see, -           “666 ,” Otis Q. Sellers, Bible Student’s Notebook 909 ; -       “The Parable of the Kingdom's Growing Grain,” Andrew Brown, Bible Student’s Notebook 909 . For more information related to the “ Kingdom of the...

Prayer for Realization

As it was with Paul, it is my earnest prayer for our readers, That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may be giving you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the realization of Him, the eyes of your heart having been enlightened, for you to perceive what is the expectation of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of the enjoyment of His allotment among the saints; unto the end that we should all attain to the unity of the faith and of the realization of the son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature of the complement of the Christ; that you may be filled full with the realization of His will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding … and growing in the realization of God; that your hearts may be consoled, being united in love, and to all the riches of the assurance of understanding, unto a realization of the secret of the God and Father, of Christ (Ephesians 1:17-18; 4:13; Colossians 1:9-10; 2:2, CV ).

Right Division *

[ Editor: ] Not everything in the Scriptures is the same. There are different ages, administrations, gospels, days, callings, hopes, spheres of glory, resurrections, etc. Thus, there is a great need to “ … distinguish between things that differ ” (Philippians 1:10,  MKJV ). We must learn to make a difference where God makes a difference. …  testing things that differ  ( WT ); … proving the things that differ ( YLT ); …  examine the things differing  ( ED ).  For a foundational study of “Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth,” see: –   the continuing series Right Division (An Overview of Dispensational Truth), Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., Part 1, Bible Student’s Notebook #551 ; Part 2, Bible Student’s Notebook #552 ; Part 3, Bible Student’s Notebook #553 ; Part 4, Bible Student’s Notebook #554 ; Part 5, Bible Student’s Notebook #555 ; Part 6, Bible Student’s Notebook #556 ; Part 7, Bible Student’s Notebook #557 ; Part 8, Bible Student’s Notebook #...

Things that Differ

[ Editor :] Not everything in the Scriptures is the same. There are different ages, administrations, gospels, days, callings, hopes, spheres of glory, resurrections, etc. Thus, there is a great need to “ … distinguish between things that differ ” ( Philippians 1:20,  MKJV ). We must learn to make a difference where God makes a difference. … testing things that differ ( WT ); … proving the things that differ ( YLT ); … examine the things differing ( ED ).   Various renderings of Philippians 1:20: “ distinguish between things that differ ” ( MKJV ) “ putting to the test the things that differ” ( REB ); “ testing things that differ ” ( WT ); “ proving the things that differ ” ( YLT ); “ examine the things differing ” ( ED ). For a foundational study of “Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth,” see  the continuing series Right Division (An Overview of Dispensational Truth), Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., Part 1, Bible Student’s Notebook #551 ; Part 2, Bible Student’s No...

Israel’s Prophetic Clock

[ Editor: ] Because the current administration was an absolute secret, it is not the subject of prophecy. What this means is that Israel is currently in abeyance ( Lo-ammi – “ Not My People ” Hosea 1:9), and her prophetic clock has now stopped, resulting in any prophetic fulfillments being paused for the past two millennia. For more information on Israel’s Prophetic Clock, see: –   Christ’s Appearing and Israel’s Prophetic Clock , Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., Bible Student’s Notebook #567 ; –   Living Outside of Prophecy, Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., Bible Student’s Notebook #656 . –   The Prophetic Clock Has Stopped, A.E. Knoch, Bible Student’s Notebook #821 ; –   “End Times” Prophecy, Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., Bible Student’s Notebook #822 .

Secret Administration

The present, Secret Administration, was “ hid in God” (Ephesians 3:9), “ hid from the ages and generations” (Colossians 1:25-26). It unveils “the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Ephesians 3:8) not found elsewhere in Scripture. It involves “The Dispensation of the Grace of God” (Ephesians 3:2), a despotism of grace, committed only to Paul, not associated with any covenant, new or old (Ephesians 2:14-15; Colossians 2:14), nor to human merit or rules (Colossians 2:8), ordinances, holy days, etc. (Colossians 2:16).   All things emphasized in the past under Israel’s administrations (Promise, Law and Pentecost) have been removed. We now live under an administration where the Barrier Wall has been removed ( cf. Ephesians 2:14, CV ), and in the absence of that wall, we are “ complete in Him ” (Colossians 2:10). There is nothing that needs to be added.   Believers of this present Secret Administration are a “ Joint-Body ” (Ephesians 3:6), called the “ One New Man” (:15), and s...

Seven Administrations (or Dispensations)

[ Editor :] Throughout Scripture we are presented with various administrations. These administrations, sometimes called “dispensations,” or “economies,” are divine managements, or stewardships. They are the organization and implementation of specific divine purposes. There are seven basic administrations. For more information on the seven administrations, see, -           [Book] The Seven Administrations , Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr. (On the order form under “Pilkington.”); -           [Video] The Seven Administrations , Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., Bible Basics #7 ; -           [Article]  The Seven Administrations , Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.; BSN  #891 ,  BSN  #892 .

Disruption of the World (or Overthrow)

[ Editor: ]  “ The disruption of the world ” ( CV : Matthew 25:34; Luke 11:50; John 17:24; Ephesians 1:4; Hebrew 4:3; 9:26; I Peter 1:20; Revelation 13:8; 17:8), mistakenly referred to as “the foundation of the world,” was the catastrophic overthrow of God’s original creation. “ A whole eon (age) had gone by before humanity came into being, and all the events of that eon, whatever they were, had terminated in ‘ the disruption of the world ,’ that is, the disruption of the society as it existed at that time. That society was clearly a Celestial one, for it was in being before the Earth was even founded, as Job 38:4-7 makes plain.” – John Essex, “The Vessel of Humanity,” Unsearchable Riches, volume 73 (1982). For more information about “the disruption,” see: The Disruption of the World , see on the order form under “Compilations;” Without Form and Void: A Study of the Meaning of Genesis 1:2 , Arthur C. Custance (see order form under “Other Authors”).


[ Editor :] There are a total of five ages (or eons) in God’s revealed plan. We currently live in the third “ evil age. ” For a further look at God’s plan of the Ages (or Eons), see: -         [VIDEO] “ The Five Ages ,"  Bible Basics #6, Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.; -         [ARTICLE] “ The Five Ages ”, Bible Basics #6, Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., B ible S tudent’s N otebook  #852 ; [BOOK] The Ages: A Comprehensive Compila ti on (available on the order form under “Compila ti ons”).