
“Eternal,” “Everlasting” and “Forever” (Aiōnios)

The words “ eternal, ” “ everlasting ” and “ forever ” are translations of the Greek word αι ̓ ω ́ νιος ( aio ̄ nios ), which is the adjective of the Greek noun αι ̓ ω ́ ν ( aio ̄ n ) meaning “age” or “eon.” Thus, αι ̓ ω ́ νιος ( aio ̄ nios ) never carries the sense of “ eternal ” in Scripture, and literal translations that accurately convey its meaning render it “ age-during ” (YLT), “ age-abiding ” ( REB ), “ age-lasting ” ( ED ), and “ eonian ” ( CV ). A further investigation into the Greek word aio ̄ nios would be benefited by the book An Analytical Study of Words” by Louis Abbott (1915-1996). This in-depth study on various words that have been translated as “eternal,” “everlasting,” “judgment,” “hell” etc., is an invaluable study tool. It is available here:


  In the New Testament, the English word “ Hell ” is an erroneous translation of one three Greek words: Hades , Gehenna , or Tartaroo  – none of which mean a place of so-called “eternal conscious torment.” For more information see, An Analytical Study of Words , Louis Abbott (1915-1996), Bible Student’s Press.

Condescension *

  Condescension   “For as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9).   With God, being the Infinite Creator, and we, being His finite creatures, it is impossible to grasp even the most basics of His essence without divine education.   A keyway in which this instruction develops is through a revelatory, illustrative means known as “condescension.” By this God relates to us in very human ways – in methods that we can understand.   This condescension is progressive – from elementary though many medial stages, then from these medial phases to those which are advanced. Thus, as we learn the foundational elements, we then move on, bit-by-bit, to greater and greater divine figures. This principle has been displayed in the past through “ many portions and many modes” (Hebrews 1:1, CV ).   For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little

The Prison Epistles – The Perfection Epistles

The So-Called “The Prison Epistles” – “The Perfection Epistles” Ephesians and Colossians are the epistles of the Secret Administration. Many who came to see the dispensational boundary line of Acts 28 and/or the Secret Administration included other epistles they saw as written after Acts 28. Some referred to these epistles as “the Prison Epistles,” or “the Perfection Epistles.” It is easy to understand why they did so. We in fact once held such a view. Yet, we believe upon a closer examination of the epistle other than Ephesians and Colossians, that these fit doctrinally to that hope prior to Acts 28. We now see that even Philippians stood on the threshold of the grand Ephesian-Colossian writings, it being the gateway epistle to the Celestial writings of Paul. For a look at this theme, see: -          Ephesians & Colossians:  Scripture for the Present Administration , Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., Bible Student’s Press. (See Study Shelf  order form  under “Pilkington.”

The Consummation *

God’s creation is being restored in stages throughout the ages, and will find its complete culmination at the “ Consummation ” of the ages (“ the Day of God” ). At that time all death will be abolished, as well as all illusory human “sovereignty,” “authority,” and “free will.” In the “ Consummation ” (I Corinthains 15:24, CV ) we find the Ultimate Sphere of Glory, a place where God Himself is “All in all.” God created the entire universe out of Himself. There once was nothing but God, and everything came forth out of Him. Of a surety, “out of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are ALL things” (Romans 11:36). God is the beginning of “all,” and He will be the consummation of “all.” This is the divine goal : “that God will be All in all” (I Corinthians 15:28, DT ). In other words, God will be “Everything in everything” and “Everything to everyone.” Hi s entire creation – without exception – will be gloriously complete and in perfect harmony with Himself; all that there is, ever w

New Jerusalem

The heaven ly sphere is that of the “New Jerusalem” “descending out of Heaven from God” (Revelation 3:12; 21:2, 10), and is for all of those who are “of the faith of Abraham” (Romans 4:16) – those who are “Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:29). These are those who among Israel and the Nations who have their “calling” of hope prior to Acts 28.   This election makes them “partakers of a heaven ly calling” (Hebrews 3:1). Like their spiritual father, Abraham, they “looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (Hebrews 11:10; cf. 12:22-23).   The New Jerusalem will be the administrative capital of Israel’s worldwide Kingdom on Earth (Zechariah 14:16-17). This is the sphere of Abraham’s spiritual seed, which included believing Gentiles during the Acts Period (Galatians 3:29). Unlike the “meek” and “good” among Israel and the Nations who will “inherit the Earth” (Matthew 5:5), these have been granted the faith of

The Icon of God

Jesus Christ is the “ Icon ” of God. “ Who is the Image of the invisible God ” (Colossians 1:15). The Greek word here for “ Image ” is Eikon ( Icon ). Eikon is defined as, “representation, resemblance” ( SEC ). Thus, the exeGeses Bible (EB) has, “ who is the icon of the invisible Elohim .” For more on this theme, see, -           “The Image of God,” Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr, Bible Student’s Notebook 362 ; “God’s Icon,” André Piet, Bible Student’s Notebook 343 .