
[Editor:] A Dispensationalist follows Paul’s admonition to be “rightly dividing the Word of Truth” (II Timothy 2:15; i.e., “correctly partitioning the Word of Truth,” CV, 1930), by “distinguishing between things that differ” (Philippians 1:10), recognizing that while all of the Bible is written for us, it is not all written to us or about us. Dispensationalists hold that Israel will be restored in the future and all of her prophetic promises will be realized.

The Dispensational approach to Scripture is in contrast to Covenant, or Reformed theology which views God’s dealings with all mankind under a general framework of two covenants: works and grace. Covenant theology is a Replacement theology, holding that Israel finds its continuation or fulfillment in the Christian church.

- Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

Bible Student's Notebook


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