Divine Cycle

 [Editor:] For a further look at the Divine Cycle, see:

-          “The Divine Cycle – Romans 11:36” (“Bible Basics” Series #1), Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.:

·       Video: (YouTube channel: Biblical Resources)

·       Article: Bible Student’s Notebook #838;

-          Article: “Circularity,” J.E. Jacobsen, Bible Student’s Notebook #539;

-          Article: “All is Out of God,” A.E. Knoch, Bible Student’s Notebook #429;

-          Article: “The Pre-Creation Era of the Universe: God Alone – All in God,” M. Jaegle, Bible Student’s Notebook #644;

Video: “Romans 11:36,” Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr. & Stephen Hill (YouTube channel – Biblical Resources).


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