
[Editor:] God’s judgments are not an end within themselves, rather than a means to an end. They are not punitive but corrective. They are the setting of things right. For a look into the subject of judgment, see:

Books -

-          Judgment and the Doctrine of Eternal Hell, A.P. Adams (Order form under “A.P. Adams”);

-          God in Creation, Redemption, Judgment and Consummation, A.E. Saxby (Order form under “A.E. Adams”).


-          “Judgment: Its Nature and Purpose,” A.P. Adams, Bible Student’s Notebook #388;

-          “Father’s Judgments Are Remedial” (Kolasis: A Word Study), Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., Bible Student’s Notebook #308;

-          “Divine Crisis,” Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., Bible Student’s Notebook #930;

-          “Future Punishment: What God Says About It,” William B. Screws, Bible Student’s Notebook #628;

-          “God’s Wrath Is the Operation of His Love,” Gustavus Hiller, Bible Student’s Notebook #692.


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