
[Editor:] “Sonship” is the Greek word huiothesia (SEC #5206), meaning the “placing as a son”, i.e., “son-placing.” It is “the station in life accorded a son” (A.E. Knoch). It is translated “sonship” in the Concordant, Rotherham, Moffatt and Diaglott (“son-setting” in the Dabhar). For more information on this glorious theme see the book entitled Sonship: A Comprehensive Compilation, Bible Student’s Press (see the form under “Compilations.”)

Sonship – Dispensationally Considered

The Romans 9 “sonship” is the exclusive prerogative of “Israel according to the flesh,” the Galatians 4 “sonship” extends to the spiritual seed of Abraham who are not “after the flesh” (:23), but was associated with “Jerusalem which is above” (:26). However, the Ephesians “sonship” has no relationship whatsoever to Abraham or Israel. It has no connection with the promises made to the fathers, it is not founded on an earthly inheritance (allotment). The Ephesians “sonship” extends back before the disruption of the world, and extends “far above” all heavens. These three “sonships” correspond to the three distinct spheres of blessing. 

- Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr.

Bible Student's Notebook


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