Daniel’s Seventy Weeks

[Editor:] Daniel’s Seventy Weeks is a part of Israel’s prophecy that remains yet unfulfilled. All of it, in its entirety, awaits a future fulfillment. For more information on this theme see,

-          “The Seventy Sevens of Daniel,” J.G.H. Steedman (-1968), Part 1, Bible Student’s Notebook 754; Part 2, Bible Student’s Notebook 755;

-          “The Fulfillment of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Is Yet Future,” André Sneidar, Bible Student’s Notebook 898;

-          “All Daniel’s Prophecy Remains Unfulfilled” (Tidbits of Truth #25), Tom L. Ballinger, Bible Student’s Notebook 895;

-          “Daniel’s 70 Weeks Are Future,” M.B. Hammond, Bible Student’s Notebook 741.


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