[Editor:] Parousia (παρουσία G3952, SEC) at its base means “personal presence,” and is used for the official presence of Christ on Earth as manifest during the Millennial Kingdom. The Parousia is initiated by Christ’s Second Advent. Thus, it is translated: “coming” (KJV), “arrival” (Moffatt; Analytical-Literal), and “presence” (Concordant; Diaglott; Rotherham; Young). The Parousia is central to the Messianic prophecies and Israel’s ultimate hope. However, the Parousia is not the hope of the One Body, and therefore the word “parousia” is not found in Ephesians or Colossians, the epistles of the Secret Administration. Our hope is our joint-appearing with Christ in Glory, “far above all Heavens” (i.e., among the Celestials in the Super-Heavens – Colossians 3:1-4; c.f., Ephesians 4:10).
we think of the Lord Jesus Christ returning to this Earth, we think of it as
Him Coming to take His place as King. The normal word (Greek, erchomai) just means ‘to
come,’ but the special word for ‘personal coming’ (Greek, parousia) is said to be ‘a being alongside’ or ‘a
presence’ (Young’s Analytical Concordance,
page 188). This word parousia really
is a personal presence, an appearance in an official capacity because of
who He is and what He can do.” – Otis Q. Sellers (1901-1992), Glossary of Words.
“The Greek word rendered ‘Coming’
(Parousia), it does not mean simply ‘coming.’ … Many have
recognized that parousia does not mean merely ‘coming,’ so, they
have said it means ‘personal presence.’ This is partially correct, but
it is not the whole of the matter. The Greeks used the word parousia when
someone had to be present at an event because of who he was and what official
function he was to perform. …
“The Pre-Millennial Kingdom is the Divine
process which consummates in the Parousia of Christ on Earth for 1000
years. … The consummation of “the Day of Christ” will be when He returns
to Earth with great fanfare and mighty power (I Thessalonians 4:16-17), to have
rule and dominion over the Heavens and Earth in His Parousia for a
thousand years.” – Tom L. Ballinger, “The Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 and
the Pre-Millennial Kingdom” (part 1), Bible Student’s
Notebook 942.
For more information on the Parousia, see:
– “Parousia,” Charles H. Welch, Bible Student’s Notebook #631;
– “What Does Parousia Mean?” Otis Q.
Sellers, Bible
Student’s Notebook #699;
– “The Parousia of the Lord Jesus Christ,” Otis Q. Sellers, Bible Student’s Notebook #785.
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